Nantucket: Traffic in Summer 2021

Scooter with Eriika and LisaIt seems that everyone is talking about the amount of traffic on-island this summer.  It used to be feasible to avoid certain chokepoints by taking back ways but these routes are not so secret anymore!  The weather has been quite unsettled for most of July which means fewer people are at the beach during the day.  Add to this mopeds, bicycles and electric skateboards and it is very challenging out there.  A few tips – if you need to come to Town try to come in the afternoon on a sunny day.  Avoid Washington and Easy Streets at the times the ferries are arriving.  Try to avoid Pleasant Street and Sparks Avenue heading into Town, especially in the middle of the day.  Try to slow down and allow extra time to get where you are going.

Our Rental Manager, Erikka Perkins, commutes in on her scooter (pictured above giving a ride to Broker Lisa Sherburne! Stay safe out there.
