What’s the Count?

For as long as we can remember there has been discussion about how many people actually live on Nantucket year round and at the height of the summer season.  For decades we would say “about 10,000 people live here year round and in the summer it swells to over 60,000”.  The latest census information would contradict that.  In 2017 Nantucket was the fastest growing county in the commonwealth of Massachusetts.  In 2010 the year round population on Nantucket, according to the US Census Bureau, was 10,172;  in 2017 it was 11,229.   As year round residents, we can attest that it is likely much higher than the most recent estimates.

Getting accurate information on demographics is important on many levels.  The numbers impact the amount of state aid received by Nantucket.  Planning efforts would be greatly enhanced if we had real time and accurate information on growth trends.  The Nantucket Civic League, and others, has sponsored an independent data-driven look at the island’s dynamic population and will be sharing the results with the community next Tuesday, July 17th at 4:00 PM in the Dreamland Main Theater.  The event promises to be interesting and enlightening.
