Steamship Authority by the Numbers

SSA and Beach Grass PD 72

Following are the traffic statistics for the Steamship Authority between Hyannis and Nantucket for 2010 as compared to 2009:


Fast Ferry Iyanough, 214,591 up 5.2%

Regular ferry, 307,756, down 0.6%

Total passengers, 522,347, up 1.7%


Regular, 42,875 up 2.9%
Excursion, 21,972 down 3.0%
Total autos, 64,847, up 0.8%

Trucks: 40,175, down 2.0%

Martha’s Vineyard comparisons:

Passengers, 2,213,800, up 1.6%

Autos, 373,668, up 1.3%

Trucks, 116,461, up 0.7%
