More from Town Manager:
The Board of Selectmen has scheduled a special election for June 14th to take up three ballot questions:
1. debt exclusion override for the General Fund to take over a portion of debt from the Sewer Enterprise Fund, which would take effect in Fiscal Year 2013 (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013);
2. debt exclusion override to fund a prior vote at the 2004 Annual Town Meeting for repairs and taking costs for roads in the Surfside area (specifically, Boulevarde, a portion of Lover’s Lane, Okorwaw Avenue and Monohansett Road);
3. operating override for $100,000 for the development of a mosquito control program.
The Town developed an informational sheet for Article 33 of the 2011 Annual Town Meeting warrant which precipitated Question 1. Tax rate impact information will be posted on the Town website prior to the election. A question I have been asked several times is “why isn’t the amount noted in the questions”? The answer is that debt exclusion overrides (Questions 1 and 2), by law, may not contain an amount. This is because while the amount of a particular item may be known the borrowing costs which are part of the total override amount are not known at the time of the election. In the case of an operating override (Question 3), the amount by which the tax levy will be raised is known.