Our Community: Our Agents

Mary Malavase

Mary D. Malavase, whom we affectionately call the ‘Queen of the Daffodils’, has been a member of the Nantucket Garden Club since 1988!  She has become an accredited daffodil show judge of the American Daffodil Society.  She travels, in the spring, around the country to many different daffodil shows. She currently serves as a board member of the ADS.  Each spring Mary gets asked many questions about the early blooming daffys and whether or not there will be any left by Daffodil Weekend.  She explains that there are early, mid-season and late-blooming varieties to insure that the show will go on!  Thus, every year, the entries at the Nantucket Daffodil Show can be different, depending upon the weather.  This year’s show will be held at Bartlett’s Farm greenhouse the weekend of April 29th.

For more information:  nantucketgardenclub.org.
