Nantucket Short Term Rental Registry 2024

Big party

Nobody wants a house next door that has disrespecful occupants, whether it is the owner, the owner’s guests, or renters (short or long term).  Since short term rentals have been under attack these past 4 years, it will be very interesting to see what kind of complaints are filed during this season so that the community can have a clear, data based, understanding of how mnay problem properties there are are, where they are located and on what basis they are occupied.  Starting in 2025, owners risk losing the right to rent if they have an unmanaged nuisance property.

Requirements for Owners who rent on a short-term basis (less than 32 days):
· Owner must obtain a Certificate of Registration for 2025 by November 1, 2024.
· The annual fee has been set at $250 per unit for 2025.
· There is now a functioning hotline this summer to handle any issues related to noise and parking.*
· Owner must provide the Town with the name and contact information for an individual who can respond to the property at any time within two hours.
· Owner must attest that there is insurance for liability coverage.
· Occupancy is limited to 2 people per legal bedroom plus 2 others.
· Owner must ensure that parking does not create a safety issue.
Please contact GovOS, who has been hired by the Town, with any questions.

Phone: (888) 751-1911 (M-F 9-5)


