The numbers are in for the first half of the year and, no surprise, the largest number of real estate transactions (48) were in Town which is the most dense area on the island. The Mid-Island area (think outskirts of Town) was next with 40 sales. Tom Nevers had 13 sales; the Cliff and Miacomet had 12 each; South of Town and Surfside had 11 each; and Brant Point and Cisco/Hummock had 7 sales each. Madaket has had only 6 closings in the first half of the year. The following areas each had less than 5 or fewer sales: Naushop, Polpis and Sconset (5 each), Nashaquisset (4), Dionis, Madequecham, Monomoy and West of Town (3 each), Pocomo and Shawkemo (2 each) and Shimmo, Squam, Tuckernuck and Wauwinet (1 each). There were no closings in Quidnet, Quaise or the Middle Moors during the first half of 2017. To see a visual of how it broke down: Sales 2017 YTD by Area.