Nantucket Property Transfers for the Week Ending June 17, 2015

17 walsh

Walsh Street LLC to Brant Point 17 Walsh Street LLC: 17 Walsh St., dwelling, .12 acres, $3,237,500.

6 plainfield

Deborah Martin, Trustee of the Plainfield Trust, to David M.Keller and Avery C. Keller: 6 Plainfield Road, dwelling, .49 acres, $2,175,000.

5 yompahasm

Richard R. Torres and Diane Torres to Ngozi Okezie and Sean Curtis: 5 Yompasham Lane, dwelling, .29 acres, $1,125,000.

George R. Manchester to Game Plan Ack, LLC: 12 Boynton Lane, dwelling, .33 acres, $930,000.

Lisa A. Aldridge to Patrick J.

Ridge and Nicole L. Ridge: 18 Arlington St., dwelling, .18 acres, $840,000.

Sean Curtis and Ngozi Okezie to Matthew C. Mecum and Megan Mecum: 6A Yompasham Lane, condominium, $750,000.

Jeffrey Kaschuluk and Anne Cawley O’Rourke, Trustees of the 6 Marble Nominee Trust to 6 Marble Way LLC: 6 Marble Way, dwelling, .68 acre, $515,000.

Blackfin LLC to Grant Tyler Ewing: 18 Sleepy Hollow Road 1, vacant land, .26 acres, $350,000.
