Nantucket Property Transfers for the Week Ending June 11, 2015


Teneru Realty Trust to Clifford S. Asness Revocable Trust: 3 Hulbert Avenue, dwelling, .71 acre, $26,500,000.

29 lily

29 Lily Street Realty Trust to Vincent F. Andrews, III: 29 Lily St., dwelling, .08 acre, $1,796,000.

10 swift

Steven V. Aveni to Nazzareno and Alexandra Paciotti: 10 Swift Rock Road, dwelling, 1 acre, $1,465,000.

Sterling Construction and Development, LLC to Courtney F.Cotter: 92 Goldfinch Drive, dwelling, .11 acre, $1,310,000.

Maureen D. Heher, Trustee of Sandpiper West Nominee Trust to Darrell L. and Elizabeth W. Gustafson: 13 Sandpiper Way, dwelling, .47 acre, $1,195,000.

Clover Development, Inc. to Emily Dutra: 13 Cedar Circle, dwelling, .23 acre, $795,000.

Gail C. Avery and Linda M. True, Trustees of 5 First Way Realty Trust to Christopher J. Skehel: 5 First Way, dwelling, .33 acre, $590,000.

Elizabeth F. Ames to Kim J. and Linda A. Cassady: 8 Lyon St., dwelling, .10 acre, $325,000.
