The Nantucket Board of Health adopted in March new regulations, Well Testing Regulations Nantucket 2017, requiring that owners of property in nitrogen sensitive areas have all potable (drinking) water wells tested each year during years that end with odd numbers (2017, 2019, 2021, etc.). These areas include the following districts: Nantucket Harbor Watershed, Madaket Harbor Watershed, Hummock Pond Watershed, Miacomet Pond, Sesachacha Pond and Wellhead Protection areas. The testing is for “exceedences of the Massachusetts Maximum Containment Levels (MMCL) for primary drinking water contaminants”.
Areas outside of the defined nitrogen sensitive areas (anyone else who has a well for drinking water) shall do the same testing on years that end with even numbers (2018, 2020, 2022, etc.). All potable water testing must be performed by a MADEP certified laboratory in accordance with 310 CMR 42.00 and a certificate displaying the well’s MMCL’s shall be filed with the Health Department within 30 days of the laboratory analysis.
For more information please contact the Nantucket Health Department at 508.228.7200 or on their web site.