Nantucket Gets Ready for Hurricane Irene

Today surely feels like the calm before the storm. Temperature is in the low 80’s and there is not much wind, high humidity. I was out and about this afternoon and am sharing some pictures of Nantucket getting ready for the hurricane which may, or may not, be serious. Pacific National Bank is boarded up at the top of Main Street as is the Ralph Lauren store at the foot of Main Street.  Boats are being pulled from Madaket and Town harbors and the historic windmill has had her sails removed.  A crew was making sandbags to protect some electrical equipment in low lying areas.  Stay tuned.

Pacific National Bank at Head of Main Street Boarded Up

Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren 2

Windmill with Sails Down

Boat Hauling at Childrens Beach

Madaket Marine

Madaket Marine Boats Waiting to be Hauled

Transformer Sandbagged

Perrys Crew Making Sandbags
