Love Nantucket: Put it on Your Car!

license plate

In partnership with the Nantucket Boys and Girls Club and Nantucket Community Sailing, Lighthouse seeks to create an enduring source of revenue for the school in addition to an ongoing fund available to the island’s non-profit organizations that serve children, which will be administered by the Community Foundation for Nantucket.  This revenue will provide a source of income for the Nantucket Lighthouse School, which will in turn be contributing 25% of these proceeds to theCommunity Foundation fund for non-profit organizations which benefit children.
When  3000 applications are submitted to the Massachusetts DMV, the state produces the first Nantucket Island license  plate at which point $28 of the $40 fee per plate comes back to serve island children- both Lighthouse students as well as those whom benefit from  the many organizations that provide programs and services for young people.The license plate would then available in all MA DMV offices. As plates are renewed, the school/fund realizes the full $40 per plate.
If you have a vehicle registered in Massachusetts, please consider helping us to achieve this goal by submitting an application and a $40 check, postdated March 1, 2014. You check will only be deposited when the license plate goes into actual production. Unfortunately, these plates cannot be ordered for commercial vehicles, motorcycles, or vanity plates.  For more information:

