Food for Thought: Daffodils and Lunch

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The NHA is sponsoring their Food for Thought  lunch (bring your own) series until May 1st.   Please join Mary on Thursday, April 17 at noon for : “How to Show an Award-Winning Daffodil” with Mary Malavase”
Mary Malavase is a member of the Nantucket Garden Club and on the committee for the annual Daffodil Flower Show as well as an accredited judge for the American Daffodil Society (ADS). She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the ADS as National Youth Chairman. Malavase assists the flower show committee in helping people to stage and enter their daffodils at the show. In her presentation, Malavase will show people of all skill levels how they too can be victorious at this year’s 40th annual Daffodil Flower Show, sharing tips and tricks of the trade from her years of experience.
