East End of Nantucket: Great Walk

The Nantucket Conservation Foundation owns thousands of acres across the island, many of which are open to the public for passive recreation. We took a walk at Squam Swamp the other day in the fog. Here is a brief description of the property from the NCF web site:

The Nantucket Conservation Foundation’s Squam Farm property consists of nine separate parcels totaling 210 acres that have been pieced together over the last twenty years through the hard work and generosity of a number of individuals and organizations. The Foundation has directly purchased 67 acres, and 53 acres have been donated or acquired through bargain sales from the Koch, Sangree, and Andrews families. Additionally, the Nantucket Land Council conveyed a total of 90 acres to the Foundation after diligently working for fifteen years to clear its title by purchasing partial interests, pursuing court challenges, and researching titles. These properties are directly contiguous with the Foundation’s 294 acre Squam Swamp property to the north, which waspurchased as a bargain sale from the Sziklas family with gifts raised from the residents of Wauwinet, Squam, and Pocomo. Because of the generosity and foresight of all those who contributed towards the effort to acquire this area, it is now protected for the benefit of future

The trail provides some options – some routes are longer than others. We saw lots of new born lambs. One of them is all black with a white tip on his tail. Check it out:

Sheep 1

Sheep 2
