Community Spotlight: Nantucket Resource Partnership

Full Moon Rising

Nantucket Resource Partnership (NRP) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit committed to the creation of a truly food-secure community. Success will be achieved when Nantucket has progressed from a system of independent food programs to a fully integrated
and sustainable food security system. NRP is well on the way to achieving this goal. Focus areas include:

Raising Awareness
Drawing attention to food insecurity in our community is crucial to drive action and garner support for our cause. NRP has
already made, or is scheduled to make, presentations to dozens of island organizations.

Develop Partnerships
NRP recognizes the power of and need for collaboration to achieve our mission. NRP hosts quarterly Food Sector Partner meetings where progress is reviewed and input is solicited from various stakeholders. Our partners include Nantucket Food
Fuel & Rental Assistance (the Food Pantry), Nantucket Public Schools; Elder Services (Meals on Wheels); Our House (teen meals); Women, Infants and Children (WIC); The Warming Place (meals for the homeless); St. Paul’s Church
(prepared dinners); and others.

Mobilize and Share Resources
Securing adequate resources is essential to achieve our vision of an integrated and sustainable food security system. NRP helped develop two programs. Nourishing Nantucket provides a weekly box of fresh locally sourced produce for 80 families.
Fresh Connect is a debit card program that pays for fresh produce at checkout at the Stop & Shop. NRP also coordinates collaborative grant writing to bring financial resources to food programs.

Research and Analyze Data
To improve our existing food security system, we need to better understand the existing landscape to identify any gaps in service and to plan for system improvements. NRP has developed a community scorecard to evaluate how Nantucket is doing at addressing food insecurity and to analyze service gaps to suggest improvements to the food security system.

Integrate Program Management
NRP understands the value of program integration to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of the food security system. NRP developed a program referral platform –
Food First – that has already helped human service providers make nearly 1000 referrals to island food programs by helping them answer a simple questionnaire (see code to right). To learn more and support their work: or Instagram: @resource_partnership.
