Nantucket Market View: Wrapping up 2013



As we commence our 10th year in business, we thank you for your past support and look forward to working with you in the future.  We are grateful for so much this year and especially for the continued recovery of the Nantucket real estate market.  There have been steady gains since 2010 with a reduction in the number of properties for sale, fewer distressed sales (short sales and foreclosures), and a steady number of transactions, clearing out some inventory that had been languishing.  Interest rates remain low, confidence is rapidly rising and buyers are finding that they need to act more quickly than in the past.  A few years ago, a buyer could wait and see what happened to a particular property – not so any longer.  If you are a buyer and see a property that will work for you do not wait.  Change has come very rapidly from a still somewhat shaky market at the beginning of 2012 to the current very active and rising market conditions.  The real estate market on Nantucket typically follows the financial markets which experienced strong gains with the Dow Jones Industrial Average up over 27% in 2013.  Market News January 2014
