It has been a long, fairly chilly spring and I have just had attitude adjustment at the beach at the end of the day. The past 5 + years, as the population has grown, seals in surf off the south shore have been an everyday occurrence. Seeing a baby seal on the beach is much more exciting. Giving a wide berth, I made sure that it was alive and although it was still, it was breathing. Then I stepped back and watched from my blanket. It was sunny but windy and the seal must have grown accustomed to my presence as it started flopping around – down to where the waves were breaking, and then back up to sunbathe. When I knew I was not frightening the pup, I got a few photos and the video here.
From friends at Nantucket’s Marine Mammal Stranding Team, I learned that at this time of year, mother seals encourage their pups to head onto the beach to rest while they feed. It is important to keep a safe distance from these wild animals – especially children and dogs – and unless they are injured, it is normal for seals to dry off on shore from time to time. If you ever come upon a wounded animal on the beach, call the Marine Mammal Stranding Team at 617.973.5247. And always look twice before diving into the surf….
Alison K. Forsgren