Our Community: Our Agents

Alison ForsgrenAlison K. Forsgren was a founding member of the Friends of Our Island Home (OIH is Nantucket’s only nursing home for the elderly).  The vision of Friends of Our Island Home is to help reconnect Our Island Home residents with the Nantucket community, to foster relationships with individual residents and their caregivers, and to work with OIH staff to administer resources – in time, energy and money – for the purpose of supporting/providing programs, education, materials, equipment and activities which would otherwise be unavailable to these precious residents. Alison was also involved in one of the most exciting initiatives for the elderly and disabled, the Nantucket Wheelers program which matches up a passenger with a trained pedaler on a special bike.  They then go out for a spin on the island bike paths and it is wonderful to see the joy on the faces of both as they explore the island!
